• Unemployed Czech-speaking writer Nicholas Whistler thinks he's got a job visiting Prague for a bit of industrial espionage. In fact he is now in the employ of British Intelligence. His pretty chauffeuse on arrival behind the Iron Curtain, Comrade Simonova, is herself a Czech agent. Just as well she's immediately attracted to 007's unwitting replacement.
  • A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the world's first supersonic airliner (SST1). A British agent is sent to investigate and with the help of another agent uncovers a plot masterminded by Carl Petersen who stands to gain eight million pounds if the aircraft is not ready by a certain date. The evil Petersen has developed a number of robots (actually rather beautiirls with electronic brains) to help him sabotage the SST1 project by means of infrasound (extreme low frequency sound waves) which can be directed at people or objects with devastating results.
  • 在经历了长达十八年的牢狱之灾后,含冤入狱的梅尼特医生(斯蒂芬·默里StephenMurray饰)终于重新获得了自由,之后,在女儿露西(多洛特·图丁DorothyTutin饰)的陪伴下,梅尼特医生打算前往英国修养。在途中,父女两人遇见了名为达雷(保罗·盖尔PaulGuers饰)的英俊男子。达雷待露西和梅尼特医生十分周到,是个善良的小伙子,可是,他的舅舅却是当初陷害过梅尼特医生的邪恶侯爵。顺利成章地,露西和达雷坠入了爱河,梅尼特医生决定忘记自己的恩怨情仇,宽容地接纳了两个年轻人之间的爱情。法国大革命爆发的消息传来,达雷毅然回国拯救落难的管家,之后遭到逮捕被判了死刑,这让露西悲痛欲绝。
  • 在经历了长达十八年的牢狱之灾后,含冤入狱的梅尼特医生(斯蒂芬·默里StephenMurray饰)终于重新获得了自由,之后,在女儿露西(多洛特·图丁DorothyTutin饰)的陪伴下,梅尼特医生打算前往英国修养。在途中,父女两人遇见了名为达雷(保罗·盖尔PaulGuers饰)的英俊男子。达雷待露西和梅尼特医生十分周到,是个善良的小伙子,可是,他的舅舅却是当初陷害过梅尼特医生的邪恶侯爵。顺利成章地,露西和达雷坠入了爱河,梅尼特医生决定忘记自己的恩怨情仇,宽容地接纳了两个年轻人之间的爱情。法国大革命爆发的消息传来,达雷毅然回国拯救落难的管家,之后遭到逮捕被判了死刑,这让露西悲痛欲绝。