• 二战期间,英国一架飞机在执行轰炸任务中,被德军击中,几名英国士兵被迫跳伞逃生。他们约好在土耳其浴室见面,并用这次行动的代号“鸳鸯茶”作为接头暗号。他们分别降落在法国巴黎德军占领区的不同地点。大胡子中队长雷金纳德被动物园管理员所救。而另外两名士兵,也分别在油漆匠奥古斯德(布尔维尔饰)和乐队指挥斯塔尼斯拉斯(路易·德·费内斯饰)的帮助下掩藏好了。即便德军展开了全城的搜索,油漆匠、指挥和中队长还是在浴室顺利地会面,几经辗转,英国士兵终于接上了头。几个原本并不认识的人,就这样结成了生死同盟,与敌人展开了斗智斗勇的生死游戏。同时,也闹出了不少温情的笑话。他们用微薄的力量对抗严酷德军,险相迭生,滑稽搞笑,为了逃出虎口,共同战斗。
  • Middle class student Bob Letellier enters a new world when he meets Alain, a free-thinking rebel who, along with his group of young Parisians, has opted for a life of instant gratification instead of work and commitment. At a party, Bob meets a young woman, Mic, who appears to be just as carefree and cynical as Alain. Mic's only dream is to own a luxury car, and with Bob's help, she manages to find the money to but it. Mic's friend Clo discovers she is pregnant and, not knowing who the father is, she asks Bob to marry her. When they next meet at a party, Bob and Mic deny that they have any feelings for one another - a declaration that soon leads to tragedy...Marcel Carné is widely regarded as one of the standard bearers of French quality cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, responsible for such masterpieces as Quai des brumes (1938) and Les Enfants du Paradis (1945). How ironic then that, in 1958, towards the end of his film-making career, he should make a film which dared to portray the att
  • 二战期间,英国一架飞机在执行轰炸任务中,被德军击中,几名英国士兵被迫跳伞逃生。他们约好在土耳其浴室见面,并用这次行动的代号“鸳鸯茶”作为接头暗号。他们分别降落在法国巴黎德军占领区的不同地点。大胡子中队长雷金纳德被动物园管理员所救。而另外两名士兵,也分别在油漆匠奥古斯德 (布尔维尔 饰)和乐队指挥斯塔尼斯拉斯(路易·德·费内斯 饰)的帮助下掩藏好了。即便德军展开了全城的搜索,油漆匠、指挥和中队长还是在浴室顺利地会面,几经辗转,英国士兵终于接上了头。几个原本并不认识的人,就这样结成了生死同盟,与敌人展开了斗智斗勇的生死游戏。同时,也闹出了不少温情的笑话。他们用微薄的力量对抗严酷德军,险相迭生,滑稽搞笑,为了逃出虎口,共同战斗。